

This category contains 9 posts

The 10 Commandments Of A Juice Cleanse

I recently saw as part of a corporate weight loss competition a juice cleanse that consisted of fruits only! Do not try this….so full of sugar! We are meant to be detoxing. I recently completed a 4 day juice cleanse and I’d say the best benefit was MORE sleep, a lot more, I slept amazingly well, … Continue reading

Inspired By Super Juice Me Movie

If you haven’t watched it already I suggest you do! 8 people… 22 diseases… 28 days… 1 answer? Synopsis The world is facing a “pandemic” of chronic disease – heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, asthma, kidney and liver disease, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune diseases, allergies and skin conditions and many, many more. This year more than 36 … Continue reading

Clean Eating Pantry Essentials

Starting out on a new healthy eating lifestyle? Been inspired by healthy, whole food, veggie or vegan recipes lately but wondering what are the key essential basic ingredients for your cupboards / fridge at home.  Grab some of the following (or all of them 🙂 ) and you’ll be able to create an array of … Continue reading

A Few Reasons To Drink Lemon Water…

Reasons to drink lemon water People tend to reach for the warm beverages in the morning like tea and coffee, but try and start your day with some warm lemon water. The water does not have to be always warm, but it should be purified. Simply use a half fresh lemon per large glass of … Continue reading

Detox FAQ

What is a detoxing diet? A detoxing diet is one that is set up to get the body to flush out toxins and accumulated waste so that it functions more properly, and sets the foundation for a healthier lifestyle. The working theory is that the body lives in a toxic environment, from the foods we … Continue reading

Beauty In A Bottle – Drink Yourself Healthy

The Truth About Beauty Beverages “Beauty beverages” have flooded the market in recent years, promising to transform humble water into a powerful anti-aging, skin perfecting potion. But can what you drink really make a difference in how you look? What Are Beauty Beverages? Drinks with beauty benefits usually contain vitamins, amino acids, or botanicals that … Continue reading

The 2 Week Ayurveda Detox

I’ve got 2 weeks left before a 3 week trip around the Greek Islands, bikini time!  So I’m going to try this Ayurveda Detox diet…who’s with me? 🙂 WHAT IS AYURVEDA? Ayurveda is an ancient and deeply intelligent healing system that originated in India about 5,000 years ago. According to ayurveda, one’s physical, emotional and … Continue reading

What Is Nutrition & How Can It Help You?

Nutrition is the use of food to nourish the body. This process involves breaking food down into its component parts including; fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins. The key to good nutrition is getting all of these nutrients in exactly the right balance, and also in the right form for your body to use efficiently … Continue reading

Expert Opinion on Cleansing & Detoxing

“There are several cleanses or detox methods on the market today, common for most is that they have little or no documented effect. But one method we all agree to: Increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables. Fruits, berries, vegetables and nuts give us numerous vitamins, minerals, fibers, antioxidants, trace elements, and healthy fat acids. … Continue reading

Nikki El Khaled – Nutritional Health Coach

Nikki is currently studying Holistic Health at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, where she is completing her Health Coaching certification encompassing her love for all things health & wellness related. Nikki lives in Dubai, loves experimenting with healthy cooking, practicing pilates, horse-riding and writing for her blog.

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