

This category contains 57 posts

How To Eat Better (Without Feeling Like You’re Trying)

It’s safe to say that we have all gotten variations of the memo confirming that eating lots of whole plant foods is an important step in keeping the body and mind healthy, strong, and active. Despite the number of times we’ve read this memo, there are days when ice cream wins out over fruit and … Continue reading

Combat Those Sugar Cravings – 7 Sweet Simple Tips

As a holistic nutritionist I come across this issue a lot (even me :)) we have all at some point craved sugar even though we know it’s damaging to our health. So now you’re here looking for some tips to help kick the sugar habit…read on!    Firsrly, make sure you have the following in … Continue reading

Know Gluten – A Gluten-Free Beginners Guide

Since the turn of the century, “gluten-free” has seen a tremendous rise in popularity. Research shows that 18,000,000 people in the United States allege they are bothered by products that contain gluten, the protein composite found in wheat and related grains. Gluten has been blamed for everything from acne to joint pain, migraines, depression, anemia and … Continue reading

26 Foods To Eat At Suhoor That Release Energy Throughout The Day During Ramadan

Even if breakfast comes before dawn, it’s still the most important meal of your day. Drink two glasses of water at every suhoor then follow these tips. posted on June 28, 2014, at 6:02 p.m. If you celebrate Ramadan, you know that during the next hot summer month you won’t be able to eat or … Continue reading

10 Rules To Eat The Cleanest Foods Possible

When it comes to purchasing food, protecting our bodies often goes hand-in-hand with protecting the environment … so if you follow a few simple rules, everyone wins! Here are ten shopping rules that will boost your health and cut down on damage to the environment: 1. Eat at home instead of eating out. Most eating … Continue reading

Easy-Peasy Food Rules For A Leaner Body & Glowing Skin

Although no standard set of rules is perfect for everyone, these guidelines can help people of every shape and background get on the path toward vitality. Following these principles 80 to 85% of the time will give you more energy, better sleep, a leaner body, glowing skin and much better digestion … and who doesn’t … Continue reading

The Meatless Monday Phenomenon

Cutting Out Meat – One Day at a Time Have you thought about how much meat you eat? Back in 2003 the phenomenon known as Meatless Monday started to help people cut back on their meat intake by one day a week. By cutting back on meat one day a week, you are cutting down your saturated fat intake … Continue reading

7 Eating Mistakes That Sabotage Your Health

With so much information (and misinformation) available today, navigating the world of healthy eating can be difficult. Today I want to share most common mistakes I’ve noticed that people everywhere make when it comes to eating well. These are things that people think are helping their efforts to be more healthy, but in truth they … Continue reading

11 Tricks To Help You Eat More Fruits & Veggies

Fruits and vegetables are a cornerstone of a healthy body. They work from deep inside on a cellular level, affect our outward appearance and aid in shedding excess weight. Fiber and water in fruits and veggies support good digestion, help you feel fuller and the more you eat the less compatible junk food becomes. Wasting perishables … Continue reading

10 Tricks To Clean Up Your Diet

Some people claim that healthy eating takes a lot of time and is complicated. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If you know how to do it right, you can incorporate more healthy food into your life! 1. Use this trick to store fresh herbs. Fresh herbs like basil, mint, oregano and sage flavor … Continue reading

Nikki El Khaled – Nutritional Health Coach

Nikki is currently studying Holistic Health at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, where she is completing her Health Coaching certification encompassing her love for all things health & wellness related. Nikki lives in Dubai, loves experimenting with healthy cooking, practicing pilates, horse-riding and writing for her blog.

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