
Healthy Life

This category contains 36 posts

Eat Better Not Less

It’s been some time since I’ve been blogging, so thanks Nour (my fellow health coach) for inspiring me again 🙂 We’ve all been there…wanting to lose weight so we think the fast solution is to eat less.  Maybe skip a meal, have a juice instead, skip breakfast for coffee.  Sure, this can work but, it’s … Continue reading

Be Strong – Your Immunity-Boosting Guide

The common cold is the leading cause of missed time at work or school, and it is estimated that between 5 and 20 percent of Americans will experience flu-like symptoms this coming year. But have no fear, there are many ways you can boost your immune system and decrease the risk of falling victim to … Continue reading

How To Eat Healthy While Travelling

Hi All, I’ve not been very frequent of late in posting regularly. I have been travelling a lot…Beirut, the US (Napa Valley, San Francisco, Honolulu & Big Island of Hawaii), squeeze in a couple of 16hr flights and numerous hotel changes lead me to this post…how can we keep healthy while travelling (especially at airports … Continue reading

Top Ten Beauty Foods

It’s no coincidence that some of the most beautiful women are the ones who care about what food they put into their bodies. When I’m eating a well-balanced diet filled with fresh fruit and vegetables, your hair is shinier, nails are stronger, and skin has a glow to it. And when overindulging in greasy, fried or processed food, complexion and tresses usually suffer. Continue reading

Gratefulness: How to Live Each Day to the Fullest

“‎Today is a new day. It’s a day you have never seen before and will never see again. Seize the wonder and uniqueness of today! Recognize that throughout this beautiful day, you have an incredible amount of opportunities to move your life into the direction you want it to go.” ~ Steve Maraboli How often … Continue reading

26 Foods To Eat At Suhoor That Release Energy Throughout The Day During Ramadan

Even if breakfast comes before dawn, it’s still the most important meal of your day. Drink two glasses of water at every suhoor then follow these tips. posted on June 28, 2014, at 6:02 p.m. If you celebrate Ramadan, you know that during the next hot summer month you won’t be able to eat or … Continue reading

Why So Many Diet Trends Are Wrong (Infographic)

In a world where every day brings a new wave of information about how best to eat and exercise, it can feel impossible to keep up with everything. The kind people over at Rader Programs have put together this beautiful and comprehensive infographic to bring you a fresh perspective on all the latest trends out there in … Continue reading

11 Tricks To Help You Eat More Fruits & Veggies

Fruits and vegetables are a cornerstone of a healthy body. They work from deep inside on a cellular level, affect our outward appearance and aid in shedding excess weight. Fiber and water in fruits and veggies support good digestion, help you feel fuller and the more you eat the less compatible junk food becomes. Wasting perishables … Continue reading

10 Tricks To Clean Up Your Diet

Some people claim that healthy eating takes a lot of time and is complicated. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If you know how to do it right, you can incorporate more healthy food into your life! 1. Use this trick to store fresh herbs. Fresh herbs like basil, mint, oregano and sage flavor … Continue reading

Could Vegetarianism Increase Your Risk Of Autoimmune Disease?

I’m all for being vegetarian and agree the most moral, ethical, health & environmental reasoning associated with it but, I am open to alternate reasons as to why it does not work for everyone’s health based on the principle of bio-individuality.  So when I read this story below, I couldn’t not share.  As I mentioned … Continue reading

Nikki El Khaled – Nutritional Health Coach

Nikki is currently studying Holistic Health at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, where she is completing her Health Coaching certification encompassing her love for all things health & wellness related. Nikki lives in Dubai, loves experimenting with healthy cooking, practicing pilates, horse-riding and writing for her blog.

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