

This category contains 10 posts

Are You Having Enough Sweet Greens?

How much greens are you eating daily? Do you even know how much we should be eating, I am sure it was 5 portions per day, now I’ve heard it should be 7! Let’s figure this out… 1 portion of greens is the equivalent to 1/2 a cup….ok,  not so bad as it first sounded … Continue reading

Everything You Need To Know About Juicing Vs. Blending (Infographic)

Turns about there’s a lot of confusion between the two.  A common question I hear is “what is the difference between juicing and blending?” So, let’s clear things up!

10 Reasons Why Wheatgrass Should Be In Your Diet

Hippocrates, the father of modern medical science and the great Greek philosopher, once said – ‘Let thy food be thy medicine.’ The reason being, the body has an inbuilt ability to heal itself given the right nutrition, proper environment and adequate exercise. But the modern day mortals seem to have ignored this dictum entirely. If … Continue reading

3 Juice Recipes To Help You Enjoy Heart-Healthy Pomegranate

The pomegranate is one of the oldest fruits in recorded history. Native to the area of modern-day Iran and Iraq, the pomegranate has been cultivated since ancient times and has spread through the world. The fruit is about the size of an orange, with a rind ranging from yellow-orange to deep reddish-purple. Inside the fruit, … Continue reading

What You Need To Know About How Your Juice Is Made

In the 1950s, a Lithuanian immigrant named Ann Wigmore helped introduce America to the healing power of juicing when she beat colon cancer by using traditions from her heritage combined with a raw food diet. As part of her healing routine, she cut fresh wheatgrass and juiced it daily. Her belief was that the sooner … Continue reading

Get Creative – Fruit & Veggies Smoothies

Print this out & attach it to your fridge, so you’ll never be short of inspiration. (Thank you Abigail for finding this 🙂 )  

Beauty In A Bottle – Drink Yourself Healthy

The Truth About Beauty Beverages “Beauty beverages” have flooded the market in recent years, promising to transform humble water into a powerful anti-aging, skin perfecting potion. But can what you drink really make a difference in how you look? What Are Beauty Beverages? Drinks with beauty benefits usually contain vitamins, amino acids, or botanicals that … Continue reading

Healthy Foods That Are Not That Healthy After All

A glass of juice for breakfast, a chicken grill sandwich for lunch and a prepared salad for dinner… Seems as if you are having a healthy meal, right? Well…check it out again. Some foods that sound healthy actually aren’t. The word ‘healthy’ is a very subjective term. What most people do not realize that all … Continue reading

6 Healthy Alternatives To Fruit Juice — Even The 100% Kind

It’s a bit of a myth that fruit juice is healthy. I’m not just taking about juices that have added sugar, but also the ones labelled ‘100% fruit juice with no added sugars’. Just to be clear — I’m not anti fruit. I just think it’s better eaten whole. There are 3 main reasons for … Continue reading

Expert Opinion on Cleansing & Detoxing

“There are several cleanses or detox methods on the market today, common for most is that they have little or no documented effect. But one method we all agree to: Increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables. Fruits, berries, vegetables and nuts give us numerous vitamins, minerals, fibers, antioxidants, trace elements, and healthy fat acids. … Continue reading

Nikki El Khaled – Nutritional Health Coach

Nikki is currently studying Holistic Health at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, where she is completing her Health Coaching certification encompassing her love for all things health & wellness related. Nikki lives in Dubai, loves experimenting with healthy cooking, practicing pilates, horse-riding and writing for her blog.

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