
Super Foods

This category contains 9 posts

The Ultimate Guide To Superfoods (Infographic)

You’ve probably heard the word “superfood” tossed around quite freely in recent years, which can make it difficult to keep straight all the deliciously healthy foods in the world. Add to that the fact that there’s no standard definition of the word “superfood,” and it’s enough to drive a person to eat processed foods! Well, … Continue reading

10 Reasons Why Wheatgrass Should Be In Your Diet

Hippocrates, the father of modern medical science and the great Greek philosopher, once said – ‘Let thy food be thy medicine.’ The reason being, the body has an inbuilt ability to heal itself given the right nutrition, proper environment and adequate exercise. But the modern day mortals seem to have ignored this dictum entirely. If … Continue reading

Superfood Raw Muesli (It’s Delicious!)

This is the perfect time of year to add some extra-energizing breakfasts to your morning routine. This raw muesli will leave you feeling satiated and satisfied all morning (it will also give you a ton of energy, unlike the dreaded doughnut breakfast). Superfood Raw Muesli (vegan, gluten free, soy free ) 1 banana, sliced 1 … Continue reading

The Super Health Benefits Of Quinoa

Usually we do not look at carbohydrates as sources of great health. There is this misconception among people that only proteins can be healthy, that too provided they are lean. However, we must not forget that your body needs carbs too. But what kind of carbs you give your body is your choice. You can … Continue reading

Superfood: Algae

Pond scum — it’s what’s for dinner. Hyped by supplement enthusiasts as providing a number of magical benefits, certain types of algae may actually be a legitimate source of a number of vitamins and minerals from iron to vitamin A. While ancient societies such as the Mayans recognized certain types of algae as food sources, … Continue reading

Superfood: Chia Seeds

Our superfood of the month this month is Chia. Chia seeds are “super” because they deliver a maximum amount of nutrients with minimum calories. Chia seeds were historically eaten by Mayan and Aztecs people and got its name from the Mayan word for “strength.” Chia seeds were considered to be almost magical because of their … Continue reading

Avocado Small In Size Yet Still A Superfood

One of the buzzwords in the food and diet industry is “superfood.” Although used by widely esteemed medical experts such as the Mayo Clinic, finding a consistent, concrete definition for this term is tedious. Scientists and nutritionists at the Institute of Food Technologists, the leading professional society in food science, recognize that some foods by … Continue reading

‘Superfoods’ Everyone Needs

Experts say dozens of easy-to-find ‘superfoods’ can help ward off heart disease, cancer, cholesterol, and more. Imagine a superfood — not a drug — powerful enough to help you lower yourcholesterol, reduce your risk ofheart disease and cancer, and, for an added bonus, put you in a better mood. Did we mention that there are … Continue reading

Surprise superfoods: Forget blueberries. Dieticians say popcorn and pork scratchings are bursting with nutrients – and could be GOOD for you

There’s no doubt broccoli, watercress and acai berries are overflowing with healthy vitamins and minerals, but what about the foods we actually want to eat? As a new study reveals that the once-demonised egg should be regarded as a ‘superfood’ (it’s packed with vital antioxidants and nutrients), we uncover the other surprising wonderfoods sitting right … Continue reading

Nikki El Khaled – Nutritional Health Coach

Nikki is currently studying Holistic Health at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, where she is completing her Health Coaching certification encompassing her love for all things health & wellness related. Nikki lives in Dubai, loves experimenting with healthy cooking, practicing pilates, horse-riding and writing for her blog.

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