

This category contains 14 posts

Get Even More Nutritional Value Out of Your Favorite Healthy Foods!

There are some things that just go together; those infamous duos that can not be separated. Like peanut butter and jelly, the Fourth of July and hot dogs. While some pairings may be funny or comforting, other pairings can be synergistically beneficial. While we continue into Spring with the notion of starting anew, we can … Continue reading

5 Health Benefits Of Peppermint

December 9, 2013 http://www.huffingtonpost.com Sarah Klein In the midst of all the indulgence and decadence this time of year, it’s comforting to know there are some very real health benefits to some of the most common flavors of the season. Between candy canes and Christmas bark, peppermint is giving cinnamon a run for its money … Continue reading

5 Colors of Phytonutrients – How Much Color Do You Eat

Low In Iron – Eat These Iron-Rich Foods

Iron is an essential mineral used to transport oxygen to all parts of the body. A slight deficiency in iron causes anemia (fatigue/weakness), and a chronic deficiency can lead to organ failure. Conversely, too much iron leads to production of harmful free radicals, and interferes with metabolism, causing damage to organs like the heart and … Continue reading

Vitamin Chart Infographic

Kiwi Fruit: The Little Green Fruit with More Vitamin C Than Oranges

Who knew??!! Would you eat an exotic little green fruit that has more vitamin C than an orange? It’s important to get enough vitamin C, but eating oranges and other citrus fruits isn’t the only way to do it. Now you have another option – the kiwi fruit. Kiwi is the little green fruit that … Continue reading

Vegetarian Nutrition Chart – Where To Get Your Vitamins From Food

Click on the picture to make it bigger if difficult to view. A great quick reference guide as to what foods can naturally give you the essential vitamins / minerals & proteins.

Top 5 Underrated “Supplements”

  1. Water – the essence of life. We all know we need to be drinking plenty of it, but did you know that most headaches can be cured by drinking a couple glasses of pure water? And rather than thinking of “detox” as a way to purge and reset seasonally, realize that our bodies … Continue reading

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Good Nutrition

It’s amazing how many everyday food routines could be tweaked and do us much more good! OILS 1. Oils in cooking (like olive oil) don’t have to be an unhealthy option, but if you heat the oil beyond its ‘smoke point’ its properties do change, making it less healthy. With a good extra virgin olive … Continue reading

10 Common Nutrition Myths

Many of us are easily swayed by get-healthy-quick schemes because eating healthy and working out are regimens not always easy to start or to maintain. They require discipline and patience. Navigating your way to good nutrition can be daunting. And along the way, it is common to stumble upon nutrition myths that are believable and … Continue reading

Nikki El Khaled – Nutritional Health Coach

Nikki is currently studying Holistic Health at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, where she is completing her Health Coaching certification encompassing her love for all things health & wellness related. Nikki lives in Dubai, loves experimenting with healthy cooking, practicing pilates, horse-riding and writing for her blog.

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