Interested in Studying Nutrition?

Interested in Nutrition, Like Me?

I get asked all the time which Nutrition School I attended.

As a life long learner, I love to answer that. My school, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, made a profound difference in my life.

(want to jump ahead? Download the new program guide below!)

Are you ready to consider nutrition school?
If so, ask yourself if you’re ready to…

  • Make healthier food and lifestyle choices, consistently.
  • -Grow a meaningful, lucrative business that fits your values and allow you to shine.
  • Make a positive difference on an international, even global scale!
  • Upgrade your families meals and nutrition, knowing you can make smart decisions for your kids.

If you’re intrigued, then you owe it to yourself to give the Institute for Integrative Nutrition a closer look.

Since 1992, Integrative Nutrition has been the cutting-edge leader in holistic nutrition education. As the largest nutrition school in the world, they educate their students with the world’s foremost experts in nutrition and wellness like Andrew Weil, MD, Arthur Agatston, MD, Barry Sears, PhD, Mark Hyman, MD and Geneen Roth, among many others.

I’ve connected with many of my teachers since graduation, and I’m still inspired daily.

Their curriculum teaches a wide variety of skills in health coaching, nutrition education, business management and healthy lifestyle choices. As a student, you’ll gain a clear understanding of the major dietary theories from Ayurveda, to Raw Food, to Paleo, and dozens more. Plus they’ll teach you how to combine traditional nutrition philosophies with the most current health concepts -all while guiding your clients toward the healthiest life choices for them.

Want to talk about it? I’m available to help you make this important decision. Contact me and ask away.

In the meantime, I invite you to download their program guide below, compliments of IIN. The Guide will explain how Health Coach training works, how you’ll be supported while you’re in school, and exactly what’s included in the program (there is so much). You’ll also get an overview of IIN’s rich curriculum, including nutrition concepts, modern health issues, business-building tools, and professional practice topics.

Click here to get your program guide now.


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Nikki El Khaled – Nutritional Health Coach

Nikki is currently studying Holistic Health at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, where she is completing her Health Coaching certification encompassing her love for all things health & wellness related. Nikki lives in Dubai, loves experimenting with healthy cooking, practicing pilates, horse-riding and writing for her blog.

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