

This tag is associated with 5 posts

How To Eat Better (Without Feeling Like You’re Trying)

It’s safe to say that we have all gotten variations of the memo confirming that eating lots of whole plant foods is an important step in keeping the body and mind healthy, strong, and active. Despite the number of times we’ve read this memo, there are days when ice cream wins out over fruit and … Continue reading

10 Rules To Eat The Cleanest Foods Possible

When it comes to purchasing food, protecting our bodies often goes hand-in-hand with protecting the environment … so if you follow a few simple rules, everyone wins! Here are ten shopping rules that will boost your health and cut down on damage to the environment: 1. Eat at home instead of eating out. Most eating … Continue reading

The 10 Commandments Of A Juice Cleanse

I recently saw as part of a corporate weight loss competition a juice cleanse that consisted of fruits only! Do not try this….so full of sugar! We are meant to be detoxing. I recently completed a 4 day juice cleanse and I’d say the best benefit was MORE sleep, a lot more, I slept amazingly well, … Continue reading

Inspired By Super Juice Me Movie

If you haven’t watched it already I suggest you do! 8 people… 22 diseases… 28 days… 1 answer? Synopsis The world is facing a “pandemic” of chronic disease – heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity, asthma, kidney and liver disease, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune diseases, allergies and skin conditions and many, many more. This year more than 36 … Continue reading

Expert Opinion on Cleansing & Detoxing

“There are several cleanses or detox methods on the market today, common for most is that they have little or no documented effect. But one method we all agree to: Increasing the intake of fruits and vegetables. Fruits, berries, vegetables and nuts give us numerous vitamins, minerals, fibers, antioxidants, trace elements, and healthy fat acids. … Continue reading

Nikki El Khaled – Nutritional Health Coach

Nikki is currently studying Holistic Health at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, where she is completing her Health Coaching certification encompassing her love for all things health & wellness related. Nikki lives in Dubai, loves experimenting with healthy cooking, practicing pilates, horse-riding and writing for her blog.

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