

This tag is associated with 11 posts

How To Eat Better (Without Feeling Like You’re Trying)

It’s safe to say that we have all gotten variations of the memo confirming that eating lots of whole plant foods is an important step in keeping the body and mind healthy, strong, and active. Despite the number of times we’ve read this memo, there are days when ice cream wins out over fruit and … Continue reading

Why So Many Diet Trends Are Wrong (Infographic)

In a world where every day brings a new wave of information about how best to eat and exercise, it can feel impossible to keep up with everything. The kind people over at Rader Programs have put together this beautiful and comprehensive infographic to bring you a fresh perspective on all the latest trends out there in … Continue reading

Get Even More Nutritional Value Out of Your Favorite Healthy Foods!

There are some things that just go together; those infamous duos that can not be separated. Like peanut butter and jelly, the Fourth of July and hot dogs. While some pairings may be funny or comforting, other pairings can be synergistically beneficial. While we continue into Spring with the notion of starting anew, we can … Continue reading

The 10 Commandments Of A Juice Cleanse

I recently saw as part of a corporate weight loss competition a juice cleanse that consisted of fruits only! Do not try this….so full of sugar! We are meant to be detoxing. I recently completed a 4 day juice cleanse and I’d say the best benefit was MORE sleep, a lot more, I slept amazingly well, … Continue reading

What You Need To Know About How Your Juice Is Made

In the 1950s, a Lithuanian immigrant named Ann Wigmore helped introduce America to the healing power of juicing when she beat colon cancer by using traditions from her heritage combined with a raw food diet. As part of her healing routine, she cut fresh wheatgrass and juiced it daily. Her belief was that the sooner … Continue reading

5 Tips To Detoxify Your Skin Care Routine

By Dr. Robin Berzin December 13, 2013 5:20 AM EST The average woman uses 12 skincare and beauty products before she leaves the house, every day. If you are using conventional products, this equals 12 potentially toxic loads applied directly to your body. The skin is an organ of digestion, and the same way it … Continue reading

A Few Reasons To Drink Lemon Water…

Reasons to drink lemon water People tend to reach for the warm beverages in the morning like tea and coffee, but try and start your day with some warm lemon water. The water does not have to be always warm, but it should be purified. Simply use a half fresh lemon per large glass of … Continue reading

Detox FAQ

What is a detoxing diet? A detoxing diet is one that is set up to get the body to flush out toxins and accumulated waste so that it functions more properly, and sets the foundation for a healthier lifestyle. The working theory is that the body lives in a toxic environment, from the foods we … Continue reading

The 2 Week Ayurveda Detox

I’ve got 2 weeks left before a 3 week trip around the Greek Islands, bikini time!  So I’m going to try this Ayurveda Detox diet…who’s with me? 🙂 WHAT IS AYURVEDA? Ayurveda is an ancient and deeply intelligent healing system that originated in India about 5,000 years ago. According to ayurveda, one’s physical, emotional and … Continue reading

10 Best Detox Foods You Should Start Eating

Detoxing has become bit of a trend with all the different fasting formulas and super foods that are out there. Unfortunately, most of the popular “detoxes” really aren’t safe for you and aren’t healthy either. If you want to detox your body, did you know it can be as simple as eating the right foods? … Continue reading

Nikki El Khaled – Nutritional Health Coach

Nikki is currently studying Holistic Health at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, where she is completing her Health Coaching certification encompassing her love for all things health & wellness related. Nikki lives in Dubai, loves experimenting with healthy cooking, practicing pilates, horse-riding and writing for her blog.

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