

This tag is associated with 9 posts

Combat Those Sugar Cravings – 7 Sweet Simple Tips

As a holistic nutritionist I come across this issue a lot (even me :)) we have all at some point craved sugar even though we know it’s damaging to our health. So now you’re here looking for some tips to help kick the sugar habit…read on!    Firsrly, make sure you have the following in … Continue reading

Top Ten Beauty Foods

It’s no coincidence that some of the most beautiful women are the ones who care about what food they put into their bodies. When I’m eating a well-balanced diet filled with fresh fruit and vegetables, your hair is shinier, nails are stronger, and skin has a glow to it. And when overindulging in greasy, fried or processed food, complexion and tresses usually suffer. Continue reading

Want Beautiful Skin On A Budget? Raid Your Kitchen!

The skin is our largest organ, acting as both a barrier and a waste removal system. It’s porous and permeable, which allows it to aid in our bodies’ elimination processes, but also allows absorption of much of what we put on it. Despite lofty claims from cosmetics companies that promise that you can “get rid … Continue reading

17 Simple Ways to Start Living a Healthy and Fulfilling Life

Figuring out how to live your healthiest life can be difficult and at times even overwhelming. A quick Google search will reveal dozens if not hundreds of things that you should be doing to keep your mind and body healthy. In reality, there are a handful of simple activities and small changes that you can … Continue reading

A Few Reasons To Drink Lemon Water…

Reasons to drink lemon water People tend to reach for the warm beverages in the morning like tea and coffee, but try and start your day with some warm lemon water. The water does not have to be always warm, but it should be purified. Simply use a half fresh lemon per large glass of … Continue reading

Top 5 Underrated “Supplements”

  1. Water – the essence of life. We all know we need to be drinking plenty of it, but did you know that most headaches can be cured by drinking a couple glasses of pure water? And rather than thinking of “detox” as a way to purge and reset seasonally, realize that our bodies … Continue reading

10 Common Nutrition Myths

Many of us are easily swayed by get-healthy-quick schemes because eating healthy and working out are regimens not always easy to start or to maintain. They require discipline and patience. Navigating your way to good nutrition can be daunting. And along the way, it is common to stumble upon nutrition myths that are believable and … Continue reading

Waterbar Dubai – Fine Waters Of The World

I love this new company I came accross, get delievred to your home super healthy water. Fine Waters is the first and only company in the Middle East that focuses exclusively on fine premium waters from around the world. Waterbar portfolio is considered the finest bottled water collection in the world. Rigorously selected by renowned water … Continue reading

Is Your Water Bottle Damaging Your Health?

Unless you have never consumed anything from a plastic bottle of eaten from a can then thereis a quite a high probability that you have come into contact with Bisphenol A (BPA). What is BPA? BPA is one of the most mass produced chemicals in world. It is primarily used to make plastics that are … Continue reading

Nikki El Khaled – Nutritional Health Coach

Nikki is currently studying Holistic Health at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York City, where she is completing her Health Coaching certification encompassing her love for all things health & wellness related. Nikki lives in Dubai, loves experimenting with healthy cooking, practicing pilates, horse-riding and writing for her blog.

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